Sunday 24 May 2015

Oxbridge Students Visit the Nigerian Stock Exchange

Students of the college, drawn mainly from the NCUK IFY class, as part of the Student Enrichment Initiative of the college, visited the Nigerian Stock Exchange on the 18th of May, 2015. A team of 8 students and two lecturers, Mrs. Adeniji and Mr. Alder made the visit. Apart from re-enforcing the topic in the students’ syllabus (Public Limit Company and Sources of Finance) the visit is also meant to make the students understand the importance of Stock Market as a major source of finance for companies, via selling of shares, where individuals can trade on the floor of the stock market and raise funds in form of bonds and treasury bills.

We were taken by a representative of the SEC, Mr. Joseph Kadiri, round the different departments of the institution. Before this, he had introduced us to the operation of the institution, especially the history, process procedure and structure. He explained the misconception that the NSE is owned by the Federal Government. Rather, he enlightened us that NSE was actually established by private individuals and other financial institutions, who foresaw the imperativeness of raising funds for medium and long term financing.

Thereafter, a stock broker was called to speak to us about the intricate workings of the stock exchange through issues such as structure, training, and certification. We had ample opportunity to ask questions on various issues pertaining to the working of the institution. Finally, we were taken to the floor of Stock market to have a first-hand view and experience of how the market operates.

By the end of our visit, Mr. Joseph invited the school to send a student representative on the 27th of May to join other students  in closing of the Stock market session.


Oxbridge Students Visit the Nigerian Stock Exchange

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